
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Modesty Is Next to Beauty Giveaway

Another blog that I absolutely love and write for is having a wonderful giveaway. Please go check out www.modestyisnext2beauty.blogspot.com . The prizes include
http://www.mybannermaker.com/">Make your own banner at MyBannerMaker.com!
http://www.mybannermaker.com/">Make your own banner at MyBannerMaker.com!
http://www.mybannermaker.com/">Make your own banner at MyBannerMaker.com!

go check it out. Modesty is next to beauty is a KJV only blog that illustrates why women should dress modesty and why dresses and skirts are most appropriate.

Thank you for reading,

Friday, August 13, 2010

Devotions, Dresses and floors!

Dear Friends, Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Thank you for joining me on my journey along the pathway of Gods Will,

So many things in my day and in your days as well I am sure! The wonderful ways of being a keeper of your home, the amazing ways your children bless you and the amazing feeling when your spouse comes in the door that make your heart sing......

But what about the times when the children are unruly and the dishes need to be done then the baby drops something disgusting on your newly freshly washed by hand floor.....

I sometimes sit in the middle of the chaos of Life and look to the Lord and cry out in frustrations. I love my life but there are those moments when all seems to spin out of control....

Thank the Lord, for giving me the Psalms because it helps me through those days.

I sometimes have a hard time wearing modest dress all of the time, I have a hard time when people look at me and my family with that look (we all know the look its just horrible).

But then I sit down and the Lord leads, guides and shows me the way to go. Modesty not in heart alone, but in spirit, in flesh in all aspects of my life.

If you are a christian and you are not being persecuted....then you are not walking along the correct path. Remeber the Lord will test us always and prepare us for the spiritual battle grounds we must tread through. Glean all you can now....

A reproof entereth more into a wise man than an hundred stripes into a fool. ~Proverbs 17:10~

The Lord is on on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me? ~Psalm 118:6~

It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. ~Psalm 118: 9~

Thank you for reading,
praying for your journeys with the Lord,

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Lord lead me in your Way!

Dear friends, brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Join me on my journey...within the footsteps of the Lord!

Sometimes it is so easy to get disheartened, to feel the pull of the world, to lose the pathway.

And again sometimes it is easier to become a convience store christian, one whom takes what the want from the "religion" aspect but still comes and goes as they please without fully submitting their entire lively hoods to the Lord. Now wait a minute here, do not get me wrong. You can do what ever in your life that shall make you happy, you just better realize that you need to atone for it. That someone someday will call your bluff. Will hold you accountable and it may not be here on earth, it may be at the Judgement Seat of Christ. I would never want to sit before the Lord and be ashamed, to be less than what I should have been with the gift of life he gave to me.
So for those who claim to love Jesus but refuse to hear and read and listen the commands that He, Himself set out in the Greatest Book ever written, the Bible then friend you better be able to take the critiuques of others.

What offends me is the people that mock how we dress, how devoted we are, how we live our lives and people and as parents. What offends me is that modesty is the topic of ridicule and critisims simply because we live in a a world gone mad with lust, sex, drugs and alcohol. What ever happen to less is more, do advertise unless you are selling.......

I firmly, believe that the King James Version of the Bible is the most accurate and infalliable word of God. You may disagree and that is not a problem because you have the gift God gave you to....its called free will! Evolution did not give it to you no siree, God in all of His glory gave us Free Will......

But this is also what gets us into trouble now doesnt it? The enemy uses all of Gods gifts and trys to buy us, our love, hearts, souls and devotions. He creates the idea of wanting, needing, lusting after things in which God either has not given you (for a purpose) or that you
are not equipped to have.

And in our impatience to be obiendent, submitt and relax and praise the Lord for all that he has done for us, no we are running a mile a minute of anger because we did not get what we wanted when we wanted it. I firmly believe that the enemy uses all Convience store Christians to further spread lies of self deciet amongst all of those who seek the Lord.

We all need to be taking a Spiritual inventory on a monthly basis to purge ourselves from non confession, to purge ourselves of anger, hate, unforgiveness, discontent and let God have it all. Get back to basics you really dont need to be buying brand new, or eating out all of the time. You really dont have to have the second home with a view just because you can afford it. What for heavens sake are you doing today? If you met Jesus, watched him descend down from Heaven on his white cloud would you be ready, willing, able, unashamed, cleansed, heart in it for the Lord. If not, why? Is is to much? ......

Until tomorrow.....

Thank you for reading and journeying with me on the narrow pathway with the Lord,